Workshop #1

  • Gathering Feedback on District-wide Priorities

    On March 16, we kicked off our series of community workshops on our school facilities to gather input as we build a plan to implement our District-wide Master Facilities Plan. The focus of the first workshop was on priorities and parameters. Presenters shared information on revenue constraints and compliance limitations, as well as a recap of the Master Facilities Planning process, all of which inform how we schedule the facilities work at our schools. A sample program map was shared to help illustrate what we aim to develop for both the Elementary and High School Districts by the end of the workshops. 

    The larger part of the workshop was centered around participants, in small groups, discussing and establishing District-wide priorities to help prioritize the work for the implementation plan. Criteria that are "givens" were presented, and the participants were asked to share their feedback and ranking on other priorities. 

    Click here to view the presentation from Workshop #1.

Video: Workshop #1